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Make an Enquiry

Enquiry Disclaimer

1.1. The enquiry you are submitting refers to an event provided by an external (third-party) provider. VSTEAM Education does not directly facilitate the booking or conduct of these events. Furthermore, VSTEAM Education bears no liability for any events (workshops, trips, speeches etc.) provided by third-party suppliers featured on our platform. Our role is solely advertising and forwarding your enquiry to the relevant provider/s.

1.2. By ticking this box or submitting an enquiry, you accept responsibility for verifying the listing information advertised by providers, their credentials, and any information supplied to you by the provider/s, should you choose to engage with them. We recommend carrying out all identification and background checks of the relevant provider/s and any information supplied by them.

1.3. Should you decide to book an event with an external provider, please note that the contract is between your organisation and the relevant event provider. VSTEAM Education is unequivocally not a party to any contract you arrange with provider/s and bears no responsibility for any issues that may arise from the booking or conduct of the event.

1.4. To assist with your enquiry, we reserve the right to connect you with other relevant providers. Additionally, we may occasionally contact you with services that may be of interest and relevant to you.